What companies can do

Eyes on the Forest recommends that buyers of and investors in any commodity that is deforesting Indonesia:

  • Trace their supply chains to the origins of raw materials.
  • Assess how their commodities are produced, whether habitats of critically endangered species were destroyed, the carbon footprint reflects deforestation and peat emissions, and / or the land was “grabbed” from people with tenure rights.
  • Adopt zero deforestation, zero peat development and zero land grab policies and ensure suppliers / business partners follow them.
  • Address their legacies and invest in restoration of habitats the production of their commodities helped destroy.
  • Prefer certified products: FSC or recycled paper products and RSPO “segregated” or “identify preserved” certified oil.
  • Keep up-to-date through Eyes on the Forest, consider its recommendations for mitigation action of specific issues brought to light by investigations.
A truck with FFB illegally produced and harvested inside Tesso Nilo National Park enters a CPO mill of RGE/Asian Agri's PT. Inti Indosawit Subur, 23 January 2015 © Eyes on the Forest.