Sumatra, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, 14 companies, APP, APRIL, campaign, illegal logging,
PEKANBARU (EoF News)-- Newly officiated Chief of Riau Police, Brig.Gen. Hadiatmoko, pledged yesterday to continue the anti-illegal logging campaign that pioneered by his predecessor, Sutjiptadi, following the installment ceremony held here Tuesday (27/5/2008). Sutjiptadi who initiated waging war against perpetrators of forest crime clearing natural forest in the province for one year had been replaced by Hadiatmoko, former Director Specific Crime Intelligence at the Indonesian Police Headquarters. Sutjiptadi would serve as Governor of Police Academy in Central Java. Asked by the press whether he would continue the anti-illegal logging operation done by his predecessor, Hadiatmoko said he needed consolidation internally first, Riau Terkini website reported Tuesday (27/5/2008).
Hadiatmoko played down the agenda for his first 100-day when asked by the journalists. “What the 100-day period for? For me, it’s too long time. Soon we make a breakthrough. Just see later,” he answered the press but not elaborate it. Meanwhile, Zulkifli, spokesperson of Riau Police Office, said that verdicts/cases of illegal logging that allegedly involved 14 companies would be accomplished by the new chief, Hadiatmoko, the website reported. “The Chief of Riau Police has already led a meeting or a kind of discussion with staff following the hand over of all dossiers that handled by the Riau Police from former chief of Riau Police. In conclusion, there are 14 cases of companies allegedly involved in illegal logging that would be followed up/ proceeded,” Zulkifli told the press Tuesday, Riau Terkini quoted (27/5/2008).
Zulkifli said that the dossiers for the 14 companies remain incomplete and the police still amend them as requested by the Riau Prosecutors Office. The 14 companies affiliated to two giant pulp companies, Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) and Asian Pacific Resources International Holdings Limited (APRIL). Meanwhile, from Corruption Court in Jakarta, former Pelalawan Forestry Service Head, Bambang Pudji Suroto gave testimony on the trial prosecuting Pelalawan District Head, Azmun Jaafar, on Thursday (29/5/2008). Riau Pos daily reported today (30/5/2008) that Bambang revealed that three companies affiliated to PT Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper (APRIL subsidiary) were granted logging licenses issued by the defendant. The three companies, CV Alam Lestari, CV Harapan Jaya, and PT Madukoro, did not fulfill administrative requirements such as establishment document and proposal, Bambang said.