Wake Up Woolworths campaign against APP products

EoF News / 16 July 2008

PEKANBARU (EoF News)-- A concerted campaign is conducted to wake up Australia’s largest retailer Woolworths Ltd for not sourcing paper products of Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), “the least sustainable fiber manufacturer in Asia and one of the worst in the world.”

“Wake Up Woolworths campaign aims to get Woolworths to stop sourcing its paper and tissue products from APP. APP has an appalling environmental, social and financial record,”  wakeupwoolworths.com website says.

Wayne Deans of Wake Up Woolworths Campaign, told EoF website lately that the organization launched “multiple front” campaign  including to shareholders, board, store visits, union support, websites, PR stunts, newsletters and others.

The campaign website displays some informative stuff such as press releases, videos, photos, and campaign stories. Wake Up Woolworths campaign is partly sponsored by the CFMEU, Pulp and Paper Workers Branch.

The campaign website also guides users to ask Woolworths management and Board of some questions like “Why is Woolworths risking the reputation of the entire SELECT brand and the growth of Woolworths profitability by using a supplier like APP?”  

“By sourcing its paper from APP, Woolworths is responsible for putting Australian jobs in the pulp and paper industry at risk. The communities that rely on this employment and the families with children and mortgages are under threat due to Woolworths’ actions,” the website says.

Find the website: WAKE UP WOOLWORTHS

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