News (9)

/ EoF Press Release

Koalisi Antimafia: APRIL Terus Membabat Hutan Alam di Kalimantan

Koalisi Anti Mafia Hutan hari Selasa menerbitkan laporan terbaru "Membabat Hutan Tanpa Henti: Hubungan dengan Adindo Hutani Lestari Menciderai Komitmen Tanpa Deforestasi APRIL Grup." Laporan ini menyorot deforestasi dan degradasi lahan gambut di konsesi PT Adindo Hutani Lestari, Kalimantan Utara. Dan keterkaitannya dengan APRIL Grup atau grup induknya Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) Grup, salah satu penghasil pulp, kertas, dan viscose terbesar di Dunia.

/ EoF News

Siaran pers KAMH: Menuntut transparansi APP/Sinar Mas tentang perusahaan pemasok kayu

JAKARTA, 15 MEI 2019—Masih hangat di ingatan publik kasus kebakaran hutan dan gambut yang melibatkan raksasa penghasil kertas Sinar Mas (dikenal dengan merek dagang Asia Pulp & Paper—APP) beserta perusahaan pemasok kayunya. Kini, APP harus jujur dan komprehensif mengungkap informasi penerima manfaat perusahaan-perusahaan dalam rantai pasok APP dan secara transparan menjalankan menjalankan komitmen pelestariannya.

/ EoF News

NGO coalition report highlights APP's continued involvement in deforestation despite its zero deforestation commitment

Jakarta, 15 May 2019 -- A group of NGOs under the Anti Forest Mafia Coalition, including WWF-Indonesia, published a joint report highlighting that Sinar Mas Group’s Asia Pulp & Paper (SMG/APP) continues to be involved in deforestation, peatland destruction and fires even after they had committed to zero deforestation in 2013.

/ EoF Press Release

Sinar Mas Group Must Declare the Beneficial Owners of All Affiliated and Related Companies

Jakarta, 30 May 2018—A new report published today by the Koalisi Anti Mafia Hutan is calling on the Government of Indonesia to take firm actions against global pulp and paper producer Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) after unmasking their corporate links with wood fiber plantation companies (HTI). The report entitled Removing the Corporate Mask reveals an apparent close relationship between the Sinar Mas Group, the parent conglomerate of APP, and 24 declared wood suppliers that APP has called "independent partners". The report also traces out the ownership structure of the forestry business group within the Sinar Mas Group, which extends to a network of companies in numerous offshore jurisdictions.

/ EoF Press Release

Kebijakan Land Swap: Setengah Hati Perlindungan Gambut dan Hutan Alam Indonesia

Langkah tegas Pemerintah Indonesia untuk melindungi dan memulihkan lahan gambut patut didukung, termasuk di antaranya kebijakan pelarangan pembukaan atau eksploitasi lahan gambut oleh perusahaan hutan tanaman industri (HTI). Setidaknya 16% atau setara dengan 2,1 juta hektar dari 12,9 juta hektar total luasan, telah ditetapkan pemerintah sebagai daerah prioritas restorasi gambut.

/ EoF News

New report: forestry industry uses 30 percent wood from unsustainable sources

A recent report highlighting gap on timber supply sustainability found that estimated 30 percent of wood used by Indonesia’s industrial forestry sector comes from illegal sources.

Reports (11)