PEKANBARU (EoF News)-- On May 7, the Australian Orangutan Project, Humane Society International, Zoos South Australia, Dreamworld, Auckland Zoo and Australia Zoo, published an open letter to Asia Pulp & Paper regarding the proposed conversion of 33,776 hectares of forest to pulp paper production in Sumatra, Indonesia.
Riau NGOs Network for Forest Rescue (Jikalahari), University of Riau and representatives of 3 sub-districts in Kampar Peninsula today call for a halt to conversion of peatland-rich forests in the region to avoid escalating carbon (CO2) release.
Several NGOs are calling on the Government to stop granting concessions for conversion and land clearing on peatlands, citing data that shows the major factor inciting this year's forest fires is forest conversion, mainly on peat soil sites.
In the Report, Eyes on the Forest called PT. Bina Daya Bintara/APRIL to immediately stop controversial logging operations to prevent further conversion of potential elephant habitat, further disturbance that may be contributing to driving elephants out of Libo Forest Block to cause frequent human elephant conflicts in the area, legally questionable clearing of forest in peat deeper than 3m, clearing of forest designated as Protection Forest in the currently active Provincial Land Use Plan and possible lack of approval by Ministry of Forestry of locally issued conversion license. Eyes on the Forest also called APP to not receive wood originating from this operation.