News (16)

/ EoF News

Community urge logging moratorium in Kampar Peninsula

PEKANBARU (EoF News)— At least 150 residents of Teluk Meranti village along with NGO activists and informal leaders flocked to Pelalawan District Office and Local Legislative Council (DPRD) compound in Pangkalan Kerinci town Tuesday to protest pulpwood plantation operation by APRIL in Kampar Peninsula forest block, Riau Province.

/ EoF News

Minister rejects pulp giants' facilities: report

PEKANBARU (EoF News)—Minister of Forestry visited a pulpwood plantation concession in peat Kampar Peninsula forest block, Riau province, in an attempt to solve conflict between local community and PT Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper (RAPP), an associated company to Asian Pacific Resources International Holdings Limited (APRIL).

/ EoF News

Where the Forest Ends

PEKANBARU (EoF News)-- Where the Forest Ends, a radio show aired by Living on Earth (LoE) program of Public Radio International in week of 11 December 2009. The story highlighted deforestation occurred in peat swamp forest Kerumutan and Kampar Peninsula, Riau Province, where communities land taken over by forestry companies. Human and Sumatran tiger conflict escalates due to shrinkage of natural forest in the province.

/ EoF Press Release

Mitra Insani & Telapak: PT RAPP Undermines Community Initiative

Bogor, 31 August 2009. Despite support from Forestry Minister, the efforts of Teluk Binjai Village community are threatened by the expansion plan of Industrial Timber Plantation of PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP); therefore a number of local and national NGOs urge the government to revoke definitive permit of the plantation.

/ EoF Press Release

Konflik antara manusia dan harimau di Riau terkait dengan 12 tahun operasi penebangan hutan oleh APP/Sinar Mas

Kebanyakan insiden konflik antara manusia dan harimau di Provinsi Riau dalam kurun 12 tahun terakhir telah terjadi di dekat kawasan hutan yang ditebangi oleh perusahaan-perusahaan kelompok raksasa pabrik kertas Asia Pulp and Paper (APP)/Sinar Mas Group (SMG), demikian menurut analisa data konflik manusia-harimau.

/ EoF Press Release

Pembangunan jalan logging APP mengancam hutan penyimpan karbon terbesar dunia

Dalam sebuah laporan investigasi yang dipublikasikan hari ini oleh Eyes on the Forest, bukti-bukti menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan gabungan Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) belum lama ini membuka sebuah jalan logging yang memotong jantung hutan gambut penting di Semenanjung Kampar, Riau.

/ EoF News

Investigative Report March 2007 released, APP destroys tiger habitat

Pekanbaru (EoF News) – Eyes on the Forest, a coalition of three environmental NGOs in Riau, Sumatra releases its Investigative Report March/April/June 2007 today. The EoF Investigation found Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) to be involved in forest clearance operations in some concessions in Giam Siak Kecil, Kampar Peninsula, and Senepis forest blocks.

/ EoF News

APP commits illegal logging as found by EoF Investigation Dec.2006

Pekanbaru (EoF News) – Eyes on the Forest, a coalition of three environmental NGOs in Riau, Sumatra releases its Investigative Report December 2006 today. The EoF Investigation found Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) involved in illegal logging in a concession belonging to its competitor in Kampar Peninsula forest block. APP’s partner, PT Arara Abadi, has illegally clearcut over 4,500 hectare-natural forest on overlapping concession of PT Triomas FDI. APP’s response on EoF’s Investigation Report December 2006 showed the implicit APP acknowledgment that its associate company/partner (PT Arara Abadi) conducted illegal logging in natural forest of Kampar Peninsula.

Reports (2)