Recent news on Indonesian forest crimes, and related developments on NGO activities, company and government actions, changes to environmental rules, lawsuits and acquittals. Also features press releases and blog posts.
27 Sep 2013 / EoF News
Sumatra, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss,
At least four pulpwood suppliers and three palm oil plantations named suspects for allegations on Riau wildfires in June-July 2013. Some of these suspected companies are...
20 Sep 2013 / EoF News
Sumatra, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper,
Giant pulp and paper company, Asia Pacific Resources International Ltd (APRIL), prepared a new restoration project to work on the heavily degraded peatlands in Kampar...
10 Sep 2013 / EoF News
Sumatra, Lack of governance, Carbon stock,
As their villages are affected by the climate change, eight suburbans of Pelalawan district and Rohil along with Forest Rescue Network Riau (Jikalahari) and Indonesia...
05 Sep 2013 / EoF News
Sumatra, Carbon stock, Palm oil,
As the man-made catastrophe of forest fire and haze returns to Riau, citizens of Pelalawan have to leave their homes and be on the alert to prevent fire coming to their...
28 Aug 2013 / EoF News
Fires hotspots likely got its peak this month on Tuesday (27 August) seeing the 5th largest number of hotspots (758) recorded since 1 June this year, as 26% of that found...
23 Aug 2013 / EoF News
Sumatra, Lack of governance, Biodiversity loss,
A monitoring on corruption trial by a university in Jakarta concluded yesterday that there was allegedly discrimination by judges of corruption court in taking a...
20 Aug 2013 / EoF News
As APRIL has been officially banned from using Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) trademark, leading environmental groups WWF, Greenpeace and the Rainforest Action Network...
31 Jul 2013 / EoF News
People living in Siak riverside protested pulp mill belonging to Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper, due to waste pollution caused by the mill for over...
24 Jul 2013 / EoF News
Sumatra, Carbon stock, Pulp & paper,
Last month’s Riau forest fire catastrophe apparently comes to re-occur in this month. Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) of Pekanbaru recorded a significant...
12 Jul 2013 / EoF News
Three excavators owned by a supplier of Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) , PT Rimba Lazuardi (RL), in Pelalawan District were burned by hundreds of...