Sumatra, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, Azmun Jaafar, corruption, gratification, KPK, pelalawan district head,
Pekanbaru (EoF News)—Pelalawan District Head Tengku Azmun Jaafar was detained by Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in Jakarta on Friday (14/12/2007) in charging with alleged corruption by issuing logging licenses to 15 companies.
KPK’s Deputy Chairman of Execution, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean told the press on Friday that the State could inflict to loss of Rp1,3 trillion following the fraud allegedly perpetrated by Azmun in period of 2001-2006, Kompas daily reported last weekend (15/12/2007).
Tumpak said the licenses issued by the District Head are against the law due to they do not comply with Government Regulation Number 34 Year 2002 and Minister of Forestry Decree Number 10.1/Kpts-II/2000, which stipulate that the logging licenses should be provided only on barren land, grassland and shrubs.
While, Azmun allegedly issued the licenses on productive forest which has log potential more than five cubic meter per hectare, Tumpak said. The licenses issuance is allegedly for sourcing timber from the forest, he said, Kompas reported.
Beside issuing logging licenses, KPK charged Azmun of receiving gratification amount to Rp 1 billion from companies which collaborate with other companies that hold licenses from the district head.
Tumpak said KPK would prosecute Azmun with two verdicts: authority abuse and receiving bribe.
In another development, Spokesperson of KPK, Johan Budi SP said that it is possible that more officials in Riau, who allegedly involved in this case, would be summoned again, Tribun Pekanbaru daily reported Monday (17/12/2007).
“We will not stop at Azmun only. We will develop this case, and all those involved, surely we will probe,” Johan Budi said as quoted by Tribun Pekanbaru as saying.
A parliamentarian from Riau, Azlaini Agus, said that the prosecution to Azmun should run fairly. “The Law indeed should be fair. Whoever do wrong should be processed illegally,” Azlaini, House of Representatives member, said as quoted by Tribun Pekanbaru (17/12/2007).
AB Purba, a member of Riau legislative council, urged KPK to also detain other officials and those from companies or individuals who allegedly bribed Azmun.
Azmun named suspect on 13 August 2007 where KPK has summoned Speaker of Pelalawan Legislative Council, M. Harris, former Minister of Forestry Nurmahmudi Ismail, companies or partners of the District Head and Riau Governor Rusli Zainal.
Tumpak said 7 of 15 companies have connection with Azmun personally. Some of 15 companies affiliated to Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Limited (APRIL) and Asia Pulp & Paper (APP).