Sumatra, Lack of governance, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, Arwin AS, corruption, KPK, logging license, Siak District Head,
PEKANBARU (EoF News)— Indonesian Anti-Corruption Commission (KPK) has seized documents belong to Siak District Head at his office and residence this week as the agency’s spokesperson said the raid could be extension of gratification on logging license case that before had sent Pelalawan District Head to the jail.
Office of Siak District Head, Arwin A.S, was raided by KPK investigators on Wednesday (12/8/2009) for 11 hours where the team confiscated some documents in three cartons, Tribun Pekanbaru daily reported Thursday. On previous day, KPK team also confiscated documents in office of PT National Timber & Forest Product, an affiliated company to PT Siak Raya Timber, a forestry company in the province, Riau Pos daily reported yesterday.
Arwin was not at home in Pekanbaru on Thursday (13/8/2009) when investigators of KPK raided his private residence. Tribun Pekanbaru daily reported today that KPK team had confiscated five documents including the District Head Appointment Letter.
Johan Budi, spokesperson of KPK, said the raid in the Siak District Head’s Office and Residence was development of probe of alleged corruption in logging permit (IUPHHK-HT) issuance by the official for pulpwood plantation companies, Tribun Pekanbaru daily reported.
Last week, the Supreme Court had decreased punishment to Azmun Jaafar, Pelalawan District Head, into 11-year imprisonment from 16 years after the official filed an appeal to the highest court.
Walhi Riau and Jikalahari (Riau Forest Rescue NGO Network) hailed the KPK plan to continue the probe of corruption case in logging license issuance by expanding the investigation to other officials including those named suspects and witnesses by the Anti-Corruption Body, Koran Tempo daily reported last week (6 August 2009).
Azmun Jaafar named suspect by Anti-corruption Court in August 2007 and found guilty next year as he was previously charged with 11-year imprisonment. The official had found guilty in corruption verdict by issuing logging licenses for 15 timber and pulp supplier companies that mostly associated to both giants APRIL and APP.
See also:
District Head sentenced to 11-year imprisonment
Minister extends deadline to clear forest for pulp material