In-depth investigations by Eyes on the Forest and other organizations of forest crimes in Indonesia perpetrated by palm oil, and pulp and paper companies, along with related issues. Includes external publications.
18 Feb 2015 / EoF External Publications / Koalisi Anti Mafia Hutan
Lack of governance, Pulp & paper, APP, HTI, industri, KAMH, kayu, kehutanan, Koalisi, OKI, pasokan, persediaan, pulp mill, sinar mas, South Sumatra,
Pada tahun 2007, Kementerian Kehutanan RI telah mengembangkan Peta Jalan Revitalisasi Industri Kehutanan yang bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan dua...
21 Nov 2014 / EoF Investigative Report
Sumatra, Tenurial rights, Carbon stock, Pulp & paper, What companies can do, APRIL, Bagan Melibur, deforestasi, gambut, HTI, hutan, kanal, komitmen, konflik, Laporan EoF, penebangan, pulau padang, RAPP, RGE, Riau, SFMP,
EoF mendatangi bagian selatan konsesi PT. RAPP Pulau Padang dan mengamati bahwa perusahaan melakukan penebangan hutan alam, tumpukan kayu hutan alam...
20 Nov 2014 / EoF Investigative Report
Sumatra, Tenurial rights, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, What companies can do, APRIL, Bagan Melibur, canal, deforestation, EoF Report, Investigation, island, peat, peatland, pulau padang, pulp, RAPP, RGE, Riau, SAC, SFMP, social conflict,
EoF concludes that all natural forest clearance by PT. RAPP in the fully peat covered Pulau Padang before and after 28 January 2014...
20 Nov 2014 / EoF External Publications / Eyes on the Forest
EoF Letter to SAC on RAPP Pulau Padang
26 Sep 2014 / EoF External Publications / Jikalahari
Sumatra, Lack of governance, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, APP, deforestasi, FCP, gambut, hutan gambut, kerusakan, pelanggaran, sinar mas,
Satu pelanggaran yang dirancang sebelum Forest Conservation Policy APP/SMG diluncurkan ke publik telah terjadi di konsesi pemasoknya di Riau,...
26 Sep 2014 / EoF External Publications / Jikalahari
Pada 5 Februari 2013, Sinar Mas Grup (SMG/APP) mengumumkan “penghentian penebangan hutan alam di seluruh rantai pasokannya di Indonesia, kebijakan tersebut menyebutkan
24 Sep 2014 / EoF Investigative Report
Sumatra, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Palm oil, What companies can do, asian agri, Bukit Betabuh, CPO, habitat, harimau, kelapa sawit, RGE, tbs,
Koalisi Eyes on the Forest telah melakukan investigasi lacak sawit (Chain of Custody – CoC) Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) yang ditanam secara tidak...
04 Sep 2014 / EoF Investigative Report
Sumatra, Biodiversity loss, Palm oil, What companies can do, Bukit Betabuh, commitment, companies, corridor, CPO, FFB, habitat, illegal palm oil, palm oil, Riau, sumatra, tiger, tiger corridor,
The Bukit Batabuh tiger corridor is habitat of the critically endangered Sumatran tiger and part of the 4 million hectares “Rimba Corridor”...
02 Jul 2014 / EoF External Publications / WWF
Kalimantan, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, Adindo, APRIL, Lahan, PT, RPHK, WWF,
Investigative Report by GAPETA Borneo, RPHK and WWF Indonesia-East Kalimantan published on 20 May 2014.
20 May 2014 / EoF External Publications / Gapeta RPHK WWF
Kalimantan, Tenurial rights, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, Adindo, AHL, aliansi, APRIL, deforestasi, gambut, HCVF, Kalimantan Utara, LSM, penebangan, RGE, Sesayap,
Beberapa LSM di Kalimantan mendesak PT. Adindo Hutani Lestari (PT. AHL), perusahaan pemasok kayu pulp grup Asia Pacific Resource International Ltd (APRIL), untuk segera menghentikan penebangan kayu di hutan alam...