
In-depth investigations by Eyes on the Forest and other organizations of forest crimes in Indonesia perpetrated by palm oil, and pulp and paper companies, along with related issues. Includes external publications.

07 Apr 2014 / EoF Investigative Report

Investigative Report: APRIL clears High Conservation Value Forest

Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) / Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) pulps natural forest through its supplier, PT Triomas Forestry...

19 Mar 2014 / EoF External Publications / Koalisi Anti Mafia Hutan

SVLK Flawed - Evaluation of Indonesia's Timber Legality Certification System

Indonesia is one of the major exporters of timber products in the world. It is also one of the key countries with serious illegal logging and deforestation issues. Improvement of forest governance and law enforcement and...

18 Mar 2014 / EoF External Publications / Koalisi Anti Mafia Hutan

Catatan Kritis Koalisi LSM, Studi Independen Terhadap Sertifikasi SVLK

Indonesia adalah salah satu pengekspor produk kayu terbesar di dunia. Indonesia juga termasuk Negara kunci dengan isu pembalakan liar dan penggundulan hutan yang serius. Peningkatan tata kelola hutan dan penegakan hukum...

10 Mar 2014 / EoF External Publications / Greenomics Indonesia

APP legal maneuvers in Bukit Tigapuluh Landscape

Asia Pulp and Paper (APP), through its subsidiary PT Rimba Hutani Mas (RHM), wrote the Minister of Forestry on 25 July 2013 - the sixth month of the...

17 Dec 2013 / EoF External Publications / RPHK

Moratorium APP: Deforestasi Berlanjut

Relawan Pemantau Hutan Kalimantan -- Operasi Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Indonesia telah lama berfokus di pulau Sumatera yang mana dua pabrik pulp...

17 Dec 2013 / EoF External Publications / RPHK

APP moratorium: deforestation continued

The Kalimantan forest monitoring NGO consortium “Relawan Pemantau Hutan Kalimantan” (RPHK), has been analyzing the impact Asia Pulp & Paper’s new conservation policy had on Borneo’s forests.

04 Nov 2013 / EoF External Publications / Greenomics Indonesia

Greenomics Report: "Zero to Zero: APP's Zero Deforestation Policy Saves Zero Forested Sumatran Tiger Habitat"

APP's Forest Conservation Policy (FCP), based on its "Zero deforestation" campaign, was launched in early February, 2013. However, it is clearly not...