
In-depth investigations by Eyes on the Forest and other organizations of forest crimes in Indonesia perpetrated by palm oil, and pulp and paper companies, along with related issues. Includes external publications.

02 Jul 2013 / EoF External Publications / WWF

Advisory to Buyers and Investors of the Sinar Mas Group/Asia Pulp & Paper (SMG/APP)

WWF welcomes APP’s recent clarifications in June 2013 of its “forest conservation policy (FCP)” that it is committed to “an absolute deadline...

16 May 2013 / EoF Investigative Report

Investigative Report: Deforestation continues in SMG/APP supplier concession in Sumatra

EoF investigation between 5 and 8 April 2013 found PT. Riau Indo Agropalma (RIA), an “independent” supplier to SMG/APP, to be felling natural...

15 May 2013 / EoF Investigative Report

Laporan Investigatif: Deforestasi berlanjut di satu konsesi pemasok SMG/APP di Riau

Investigasi EoF antara tanggal 5 dan 8 April 2013 mendapati PT. Riau Indo Agropalma (RIA), pemasok “independen” SMG/APP, masih menebangi pepohonan...

03 May 2013 / EoF External Publications / NGO joint letter

Surat LSM ke APP terkait Forest Conservation Policy

Kebijakan baru Forest Conservation Policy (FCP) APP yang telah diumumkan pada 5 Februari 2013 lalu sedang dalam proses untuk diterjemahkan dalam...

03 May 2013 / EoF External Publications / NGO joint letter

Joint NGO letter to APP on FCP

APP’s new Forest Conservation Policy (FCP) that was announced on February 5th, 2013 and being translated into Standard Operational Procedures (SOP)...

10 Apr 2013 / EoF External Publications / RPHK

APP Moratorium Deforestation Continues

Asia Pulp & Paper’s (APP) Indonesia operations have long focused on the island of Sumatra where it operates two large pulp mills and has most of its...

02 Apr 2013 / EoF Investigative Report

Laporan Investigatif: Kemana pohon-pohon itu?

EoF merekomendasikan para pembeli APP dan mitra bisnis lainnya untuk tidak membeli produk SMG/APP hingga pemantauan independen sejati telah...