
In-depth investigations by Eyes on the Forest and other organizations of forest crimes in Indonesia perpetrated by palm oil, and pulp and paper companies, along with related issues. Includes external publications.

04 May 2012 / EoF External Publications / KAMH

Factsheet APP APRIL and Corruption

Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) dan Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL), two of the world's largest pulp &paper; producers, source wood from...

26 Mar 2012 / EoF Investigative Report

Investigative Report: APP: Default on environmental covenant

Eyes on the Forest calls on Asia Pulp & Paper to cease violating its public commitments and legal obligations,and stop pulping natural forest as it...

28 Feb 2012 / EoF Investigative Report

Investigative Report: Tropical rainforest clearcutting by PT Arara Abadi, a subsidiary of APP

PT Arara Abadi of Nilo district is a part of permit granted to the company amounting to 299,975 hectares based on Minister of Forestry Decree Number...

15 Feb 2012 / EoF External Publications

APP collated certifier responses

WWF Questionnaire to Certification Standard Setting Bodies / Certification Bodies Associated with Asia Pulp & Paper: PEFC; SGS; LEI; TUV Rheinland;...

14 Dec 2011 / EoF Investigative Report

Laporan Investigatif: Kebenaran di balik greenwash APP

Kedua pabrik pengolahan milik APP secara eksklusif mengolah kayukeras tropis campuran (MTH) dari penebangan hutan alam. Kedua pabrik pengolahan itu...