In-depth investigations by Eyes on the Forest and other organizations of forest crimes in Indonesia perpetrated by palm oil, and pulp and paper companies, along with related issues. Includes external publications.
02 Sep 2009 / EoF External Publications / Mitra Insani
Bogor, 31 August 2009. Despite support from Forestry Minister, the efforts of Teluk Binjai Village community are threatened by the expansion plan of Industrial Timber Plantation of PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP);...
04 Aug 2009 / EoF Investigative Report
Sumatra, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, APRIL, conversion, deforestation, HCV, kerumutan, peat, RGM, SRL, Sumatera Riang Lestari, tiger,
A pulpwood plantation (HTI) development company affiliated with Raja Garuda Mas Group’s Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Limited (APRIL), one of the world’s largest paper companies, is clearing natural...
04 Aug 2009 / EoF External Publications
EoF had sent confirmation request on the report and APRIL responded to the coalition (see APRIL’s response to EoF).
03 Aug 2009 / EoF Investigative Report
Perusahaan pengembang hutan tanaman industri (HTI) terafiliasi dengan Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Limited (APRIL) milik Raja Garuda Mas, salah satu perusahaan kertas terbesar dunia, tengah menebangi...
20 Oct 2008 / EoF Investigative Report
Sumatra, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, APP, Buluhala, logging highway, Senepis, sinar mas, SMG, tiger,
A new investigation by Eyes on the Forest has found that companies associated with Asia Pulp & Paper (APP)/Sinar Mas Group (SMG) are completing construction of a legally questionable logging highway through a peatland...
28 Mar 2008 / EoF Investigative Report
Sumatra, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, APP, Bali COP, bukit tigapuluh, Jikalahari, Kampar, sinar mas, Sumatran tiger,
Eyes on the Forest (EoF) and many national and international NGOs have long been calling for Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) to stop further natural forest clearance in Riau and Jambi Provinces in central Sumatra. Investigations...
26 Mar 2008 / EoF Investigative Report
Eyes on the Forest (EoF) and many national and international NGOs have long been calling for Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) to stop further natural forest clearance in Riau and Jambi Provinces in central Sumatra. Investigations...
08 Jan 2008 / EoF Investigative Report
Sumatra, Tenurial rights, Carbon stock, Biodiversity loss, Pulp & paper, bukit tigapuluh, conservation, elephant, FZS, landscape, PKHS, tiger, WARSI, WWF, ZSL,
The Bukit Tigapuluh Forest Landscape in central Sumatra contains some of the richest biodiversity on Earth. It is one of the last refuges for three of the four flagship species found only on the island of Sumatra, along...
17 Dec 2007 / EoF External Publications / Governor of Riau
I am realizing my special position as a steward of large blocks of natural forests in Indonesia. I am committed to a joint policy of environmentally friendly, sustainable economic development and reduction of greenhouse...