
In-depth investigations by Eyes on the Forest and other organizations of forest crimes in Indonesia perpetrated by palm oil, and pulp and paper companies, along with related issues. Includes external publications.

02 Jul 2007 / EoF Investigative Report

Investigative Report: APP clear natural forest in GSK Senepis Kampar blocks

Eyes on the Forest (EoF) Investigation in March, April and June 2007 have found that about 38,000 hectares of natural forests in northern Bukit Batu wildlife reserve had been clearcut simultaneously in three industry...

24 Jun 2007 / EoF Investigative Report

Investigative Report: PT MSK, APP's supplier, clearcuts peat forest in Kerumutan block

Eyes on the Forest investigation in February 2007 continued the observation in November 2006. It found this time that around 3,000 ha of natural forests had been clearcut in a Selective Logging Concession (HPH) of PT...

04 Jun 2007 / EoF Investigative Report

EoF (Jun 2007) PT Arara Abadi, APP subsidiary, clearcut natural forest in Kampar Peninsula

Eyes on the Forest investigation in December 2006 has found that about 4,500 hectares of natural forest had been illegally clearcut in concession of PT Arara Abadi (AA), subsidiary of Sinar Mas Group, associated with...

18 Apr 2007 / EoF Investigative Report

Laporan Investigasi November 2006

Investigasi Eyes on the Forest pada bulan November 2006 menemukan sekitar 2.000 ha hutan alam di konsesi PT Mutiara Sabuk Khatulistiwa sudah ditebangi oleh PT Arara Abadi (AA), anak perusahaan Sinar Mas Group, bagian...

18 Apr 2007 / EoF Investigative Report

Forest clearing in PT MSK of APP in Kerumutan and PT Triomas FDI of APRIL in Kampar Peninsula

Eyes on the Forest (EoF) Investigation in November 2006 has found that about 2,000 hectares of natural forests had been clearcut in a concession of PT Mutiara Sabuk Khatulistiwa, by PT Arara Abadi, a subsidiary of Sinar...

01 Mar 2007 / EoF Investigative Report

PT Triomas FDI and PT National Timber Forest & Product of APRIL clearcut peat forest in Kampar Peninsula

Eyes on the Forest (EoF) Investigation in September 2006 has found that about 50 hectares of natural forests had been clearcut in an Industrial Timber Plantation (HTI) concession of PT Triomas FDI, associated with Asia...

01 Mar 2007 / EoF Investigative Report

Laporan Investigasi September dan Oktober 2006

Investigasi Eyes on the Forest bulan September 2006 menemukan sekitar 50 hektar hutan alam telah ditebangi dalam konsesi Hutan Tanaman Industri PT Triomas FDI, tergabung dengan Asia Pacific Resources Internatioal...

28 Feb 2007 / EoF External Publications / Wildlife Conservation Society

Setting Priorities for the Conservation and Recovery of Wild Tiger.

The Technical Assessment. Setting Priorities for the Conservation and Recovery of Wild Tigers: 2005 - 2015; This project was funded by Save The...