Hong Kong,18th February, 2009-- A new report by Greenpeace China exposes the loopholes in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange’s rules on environmental disclosure for listed forestry companies. Most listed companies that claimed to be “environmental friendly” were only so by default, thus misleading investors.
Pekanbaru (EoF News)—Rainforest Alliance announced that it has terminated contractual agreement with Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) in auditing and verification on its China forestry operations after wisely considering the long-standing conversion by the pulp company in Indonesian natural forests.
(By Nita Bhalla, Reuters; New Delhi, June 8, 2007) --- The world's wild tigers are on a "catastrophic" path to extinction as numbers continue to decline because of increased poaching, habitat destruction and poor conservation efforts by governments, a new report has said.
(Beijing-- Reuters, March 29,2007)-- International environmental group Greenpeace accused Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) of illegal logging in protected forests in southern China.
(Ethicalcorp.com)--- US newspapers are beginning to source newsprint from China for economic reasons, but may be ignoring sustainability in the processIn a move to buy favour with Wall Street, several US newspaper companies have announced plans to begin importing newsprint, the cheap paper on which newspapers are printed, from China.