News (34)

/ EoF Press Release

Eyes on the Forest: Companies should take immediate actions to stop sourcing from illegal oil palm plantations and start paying for the past damages

PEKANBARU, INDONESIA, 3 JUNE 2021 -- A new report published by the Eyes on the Forest (EoF) coalition today reveals that only 14% (0.8 million ha) of oil palm plantations in Indonesia’s top palm oil producing province, Riau, can be considered legal. EoF advises buyers that the remaining 86% of Riau’s oil palm plantations must be considered illegal until detailed field verification has proven otherwise.

/ EoF Press Release

Koalisi EoF: Perusahaan harus bertindak cepat hentikan pengambilan dari kebun sawit ilegal dan mulai membayar kerusakan di masa lalu

PEKANBARU, 3 JUNI 2021 – Laporan investigasi terkini diterbitkan koalisi Eyes on the Forest hari ini yang mengungkapkan hanya 14% (0,8 juta hektar) kebun sawit di Provinsi Riau –penghasil produk sawit terbesar di Indonesia—yang bisa dianggap legal. EoF menyarankan para pembeli produk sawit bahwa 86% kebun sawit Riau harus dianggap ilegal, hingga verifikasi lapangan rinci bisa membuktikan hal sebaliknya.

/ EoF Press Release

Penambahan kapasitas produksi 2,6 juta ton APRIL ugal-ugalan; kianati komitmen kelestarian, bahayakan lingkungan dan masyarakat

Pekanbaru, 30 April 2021--Koalisi Eyes on the Forest (EoF) mengecam keras pemberian izin lingkungan untuk kegiatan pengembangan kapasitas Riau Komplek PT RAPP milik Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) dan meminta Pemerintah melarang pembukaan hutan alam oleh perusahaan demi mendapatkan kayu keras campuran (mixed tropical hardwood) untuk operasinya.

/ EoF News

Jikalahari: Arara Abadi sengaja membakar lahannya

Kebakaran lahan PT Arara Abadi di Desa Merbau, Kabupaten Pelalawan yang terjadi pekan lalu menyita kemarahan pembela lingkungan hidup. PT Arara Abadi, pemasok bahan baku untuk Asia Pulp & Paper (APP), diduga sengaja melakukan pembakaran lahan seluas 83 hektar untuk ditanami kembali dengan akasia.

/ EoF News

APP, APRIL suppliers named suspects of fires

At least four pulpwood suppliers and three palm oil plantations named suspects for allegations on Riau wildfires in June-July 2013. Some of these suspected companies are timber suppliers to Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) and Asia Pacific Resource International Limited (APRIL), a newspaper report said this week.

/ EoF News

Belated stories on people suffering wildfires, haze

As the man-made catastrophe of forest fire and haze returns to Riau, citizens of Pelalawan have to leave their homes and be on the alert to prevent fire coming to their remaining land, while some students fainted as schools closed in the district and the province’s capital city.

/ EoF News

Encroachment-hit Tesso Nilo raged by fires as haze returns to Riau

Fires hotspots likely got its peak this month on Tuesday (27 August) seeing the 5th largest number of hotspots (758) recorded since 1 June this year, as 26% of that found inside the Tesso Nilo complex.

/ EoF News

NGOs hail FSC banning on APRIL, urge certifiers to follow

As APRIL has been officially banned from using Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) trademark, leading environmental groups WWF, Greenpeace and the Rainforest Action Network (RAN) have called on other forest industry certification schemes to cut ties with the giant deforester.

/ EoF News

Fires, smoke and haze - new in EoF’s online database

Sumatra’s Riau province is suffering Indonesia’s worst fire season in recent years with serious smoke choking the region and neighboring Singapore and southern Malaysia. Eyes on the Forest has been tracking forest and land cover change and those who drive it in Riau since the early 1990s.

/ EoF News

Many hotspots detected in concessions, EoF analyzes

At least 6772 fires hotspots were detected accumulatively in Riau Province in period of 1-23 June 2013, based on MODIS Fires satellite monitoring that analyzed by Eyes on the Forest this week.

/ EoF News

Governor detained for forest graft, probe to companies, ministry needed

Riau Governor Rusli Zainal finally was detained by Corruption Eradicatio Commission (KPK) yesterday for allegedly “abusing power to make money for himself and other people or a corporation” by legalizing five-yearly logging plans to some timber suppliers in Pelalawan and Siak Districts between 2001 – 2007, KPK press release said.

/ EoF News

APRIL’s deforestation continues as its restoration program launched

Despite a restoration program organized by a company affiliated to pulp giant in Kampar Peninsula, Riau province, launched and endorsed by the Ministry of Forestry, environmentalists criticized it as a manuoevre by wo-faced company which merely seek benefit from credit carbon scheme.

/ EoF News

APP’s supplier breaches moratorium clearance, report says

Eyes on the Forest investigation last month found natural forest clearing in concession of Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) supplier, PT Riau Indo Agropalma (RIA), in Kerumutan forest block, an important Sumatran tiger habitat in Riau province.

/ EoF News

Paper conglomerate APP linked to more tiger conflict with deadly consequences

A latest investigative report by Eyes on the Forest coalition is published today focusing on APP deforestation and its link to deadly human-Sumatran tiger conflict in Riau Province of Sumatra.

/ EoF News

Law enforcement weak, 15 wild elephants killed

Fifteen wild Sumatran elephants had been killed in Riau province since January this year following the deaths of three female elephants in Tesso Nilo forest block as officials believed they were poisoned.

/ EoF News

Latest APP moratorium in Jambi without conservation gain - again

On 5 September, APP published "Highlights of First Quarterly Progress Report" for its “Sustainability Roadmap 2020”, launched on 5 June 2012. Eyes on the Forest had analyzed the original Roadmap in “SMG/APP: The Pulping Continues”, calling it a roadmap to clear more natural forests in Indonesia. APP’s Roadmap failed to protect any additional natural forest while allowing its pulp mills to continue pulping Indonesia’s tropical forest unabated.

/ EoF News

EoF doubts APP’s roadmap as 1.2 million hectares of forest in jeopardy

Eyes on the Forest coalition says that over 1.2 million hectares of remaining forests in Riau are in danger of being cleared by Sinar Mas Group/Asia Pulp & Paper’s “independent suppliers” who can continue to deliver natural forest wood to the company’s mills. EoF published its latest report today analyzing “sustainability roadmap” that announced by SMG/APP recently.

/ EoF Press Release

WWF: APP certifiers distance themselves from sustainability claims

Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) claims of independent sustainability certification for its operations aren’t supported by the certification schemes and assessors it has nominated, a WWF survey has found.

/ EoF News

Another former official detained for forestry corruption case

Former Riau Forestry Service Head and Ex Kampar District Head, Burhanuddin Husein, was detained by Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in Jakarta yesterday, for accusation of misusuing his authority in issuing logging licenses for pulpwood conversion in Pelalawan District during 2005-2006.

/ EoF Press Release

Report reveals facts behind APP’s conservation claims

An Eyes on the Forest investigation finds that a wood supplier of Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) has been clearcutting tropical forest inside the Senepis Tiger Sanctuary in Sumatra – a sanctuary that APP advertises globally as part of its purported commitment to tiger conservation.

/ EoF Press Release

Fires in APP/Sinar Mas concessions add to region’s haze woes, threaten new UN biosphere reserve

Satellite data for the first six months of 2009 show that Riau Province had the largest number of fire “hotspots” in Indonesia: 4,782. And nearly one-quarter of the Riau fires happened within concessions affiliated with Sinar Mas Group’s Asia Pulp & Paper company.

/ EoF Press Release

Kebakaran di konsesi APP/Sinar Mas memperparah" "kabut asap regional dan mengancam cagar biosfir" "PBB yang baru"

Data satelit selama enam bulan perama di tahun 2009 menunjukkan bahwa Provinsi Riau memiliki jumlah titik api kebakaran terbanyak di Indonesia, yakni 4.782.

/ EoF Press Release

Konflik antara manusia dan harimau di Riau terkait dengan 12 tahun operasi penebangan hutan oleh APP/Sinar Mas

Kebanyakan insiden konflik antara manusia dan harimau di Provinsi Riau dalam kurun 12 tahun terakhir telah terjadi di dekat kawasan hutan yang ditebangi oleh perusahaan-perusahaan kelompok raksasa pabrik kertas Asia Pulp and Paper (APP)/Sinar Mas Group (SMG), demikian menurut analisa data konflik manusia-harimau.

/ EoF Press Release

APP dan mitranya mengancam upaya penyelamatan ekosistem Sumatera dan iklim global

Komitmen Indonesia yang baru diumumkan untuk menyelamatkan hutan alam Sumatera pada Kongres Konservasi Dunia IUCN dua pekan lalu menghadapi ujian awal, menyusul terungkapnya aktivitas salah satu perusahaan kertas terbesar dunia, Asia Pulp & Paper (APP)/Sinar Mas Group (SMG).

/ EoF Press Release

New APP logging road threatens one of world’s biggest carbon-storing forests, tigers

In an investigative report published today by Eyes on the Forest, evidence shows that a new logging road in Riau Province -- strongly indicated as illegally built by companies connected to Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) -- is cutting into the heart of Sumatra’s largest contiguous peatland forest, a rare hydrological ecosystem that acts as one of the planet’s biggest carbon stores.

/ EoF Press Release

Pembangunan jalan logging APP mengancam hutan penyimpan karbon terbesar dunia

Dalam sebuah laporan investigasi yang dipublikasikan hari ini oleh Eyes on the Forest, bukti-bukti menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan-perusahaan gabungan Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) belum lama ini membuka sebuah jalan logging yang memotong jantung hutan gambut penting di Semenanjung Kampar, Riau.

/ EoF Press Release

Stop selling largest remaining natural forest block in Riau and Jambi

Riau NGO coalition calls Government to stop selling largest remaining natural forest block in Sumatra ’s Riau and Jambi: 130,000 hectares of Sumatran tiger and elephant forests under siege

/ EoF Press Release

Stop converting peatlands

Several NGOs are calling on the Government to stop granting concessions for conversion and land clearing on peatlands, citing data that shows the major factor inciting this year's forest fires is forest conversion, mainly on peat soil sites.