News (5)

/ EoF Press Release

Koalisi EoF melaporkan tindak pidana 49 korporasi

Eyes on the Forest (EoF) melaporkan tindak pidana lingkungan hidup berupa pencemaran udara dan kriteria kerusakan lingkungan hidup atas kebakaran hutan dan lahan di dalam areal 49 korporasi hutan tanaman industri dan perkebunan kelapa sawit sepanjang 2014, 2015 dan 2016.

/ EoF News

Jikalahari demands President SBY to reopen logging cases

PEKANBARU (EoF News)—Jikalahari, environmental organization’s network to save natural forest in Riau, sent a letter to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono last week to order the police and prosecutors office to prosecute 14 timber companies which allegedly committing environmental destruction.

/ EoF News

House commission to meet police on cases closure

PEKANBARU (EoF News)— House of Representatives’ Commission III members visiting Riau Province today to verify for motive behind closure of huge illegal logging cases by the Riau Police in December last year. Tribun Pekanbaru daily reported today (06/02/2009) that at least 13 parliamentarians from Commission III handling legal issues would meet new chief of Riau Police Brig.- Gen. Adjie Rustam Ramdja here.

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