PEKANBARU, 26 NOVEMBER 2021 – Temuan Eyes on the Forest selama 17 tahun mendapati dampak buruk praktek korporasi perkebunan kelapa sawit bagi hutan alam, dan keanekaragaman hayati. Dari temuan EoF menjelaskan kenapa komoditi kelapa sawit layak ditolak jadi tanaman hutan seperti usulan Yanto Santosa, Guru Besar IPB University beserta akademisi sehaluan dengannya.
Pekanbaru, 25 November 2021–Koalisi Eyes on The Forest (EoF) mengecam penyelenggaraan Seminar Nasional “Permasalahan, Prospek dan Implikasi Sawit Sebagai Tanaman Hutan” yang bertentangan dengan tekad Pemerintah Indonesia untuk berkontribusi mengurangi ancaman krisis iklim (climate crisis) dan menahan laju deforestasi.
PEKANBARU, INDONESIA, 3 JUNE 2021 -- A new report published by the Eyes on the Forest (EoF) coalition today reveals that only 14% (0.8 million ha) of oil palm plantations in Indonesia’s top palm oil producing province, Riau, can be considered legal. EoF advises buyers that the remaining 86% of Riau’s oil palm plantations must be considered illegal until detailed field verification has proven otherwise.
PEKANBARU, 3 JUNI 2021 – Laporan investigasi terkini diterbitkan koalisi Eyes on the Forest hari ini yang mengungkapkan hanya 14% (0,8 juta hektar) kebun sawit di Provinsi Riau –penghasil produk sawit terbesar di Indonesia—yang bisa dianggap legal. EoF menyarankan para pembeli produk sawit bahwa 86% kebun sawit Riau harus dianggap ilegal, hingga verifikasi lapangan rinci bisa membuktikan hal sebaliknya.
EoF warns today that purchasing screens need to be installed urgently at all transfer points in the chain-of-custody from the production of oil palm fruit (fresh fruit bunches/FFB) to the final product. Illegally produced FFB appears to enter national and global supply chains much too easily.
Eyes on the Forest coalition publishes latest investigative report as a consistency in monitoring deforestation in Sumatra, Riau in particular, as this edition highlights natural forest clearing in high conservation value forest (HCVF) by PT Triomas Forestry Development Indonesia, a supplier to Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL).
Despite Minister of Forestry and Riau Governor have ordered all related sides to reforest grand forest park of Syarief Kasim in Pekanbaru, in August this year, thousand hectares of oil palm plantation are still planted.
After the Chairman of Gading Permai Small Farmers Business Group, Haji Usman Maun, reported to the Kampar police by RAPP at the forefront of the development of illegal palm oil plantations in the area which claimed by PT RAPP, the management of PT RAPP agreed to meet the Gading Permai community on May 1, 2006. However, instead of sending company officials to attend the meeting, PT RAPP mobilized 300 people in black uniforms to attack, destroy and burn down the people’s houses.
Eyes on the Forest (EoF) team has examined and observed 26 locations of palm oil plantations in Riau Province in order to collect data and evidences...