News (39)

/ EoF Press Release

Penambahan kapasitas produksi 2,6 juta ton APRIL ugal-ugalan; kianati komitmen kelestarian, bahayakan lingkungan dan masyarakat

Pekanbaru, 30 April 2021--Koalisi Eyes on the Forest (EoF) mengecam keras pemberian izin lingkungan untuk kegiatan pengembangan kapasitas Riau Komplek PT RAPP milik Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) dan meminta Pemerintah melarang pembukaan hutan alam oleh perusahaan demi mendapatkan kayu keras campuran (mixed tropical hardwood) untuk operasinya.

/ EoF Press Release

Enough is enough: After eight years of “zero deforestation” promises, palm oil industry continues to destroy forests

Palm fruit illegally grown inside critical wildlife areas continues to taint palm oil entering the supply chains of 24 global traders and brands who have made zero deforestation commitments, an Eyes on the Forest (EoF) report published today found. The protected areas lost to illegal palm oil plantations include some of the last habitats for critically endangered Sumatran elephants, tigers and orangutans in Indonesia.

/ EoF Press Release

Sinar Mas Group Must Declare the Beneficial Owners of All Affiliated and Related Companies

Jakarta, 30 May 2018—A new report published today by the Koalisi Anti Mafia Hutan is calling on the Government of Indonesia to take firm actions against global pulp and paper producer Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) after unmasking their corporate links with wood fiber plantation companies (HTI). The report entitled Removing the Corporate Mask reveals an apparent close relationship between the Sinar Mas Group, the parent conglomerate of APP, and 24 declared wood suppliers that APP has called "independent partners". The report also traces out the ownership structure of the forestry business group within the Sinar Mas Group, which extends to a network of companies in numerous offshore jurisdictions.

/ EoF Press Release

Aparat Hukum, Usut Tuntas Pengrusakan Sekat Kanal oleh PT Surya Dumai Agrindo di Desa Buruk Bakul

PEKANBARU, 21 APRIL 2018 — Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil Penyelamat Gambut Riau (Jikalahari, WWF Indonesia, Walhi Riau dan Yayasan Mitra Insani) mendesak aparat hukum mengusut tuntas pengrusakan tiga buah sekat kanal yang dilakukan oleh PT Surya Dumai Agrindo di Desa Buruk Bakul, Kecamatan Bukit Batu, Kabupaten Bengkalis.

/ EoF News

NGOs say APP lack of progress

Several green organizations criticized Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) for lack of progress in some areas which made the company has yet to be on sustainable track, while its Forest Conservation Policy (FCP) is entering the fifth year this week.

/ EoF News

‘Rampant conversion drives deadly human-tiger conflict’

Death of a palm oil worker last week in concession belonging to Malaysian-based company, PT Tabung Haji Indo Plantations (PT THIP, under TH Plantations Berhad) in Pelangiran subdistrict, Riau, have voiced deep concerns on massive deforestation and threats of human-wildlife conflict.

/ EoF News

NGOs publish Criteria and Indicators to evaluate pulp giants

Today, WWF-Indonesia together with Auriga, Forest Peoples Programme, Hutan Kita Institute, Jikalahari, KKI Warsi, Rainforest Action Network, Titian, WALHI Riau, WALHI Jambi, Wetlands International, and Woods& Wayside International published Evaluating the Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Performance of Sinar Mas Group (SMG) and Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) Companies-Criteria and Indicators for Assessing and Verifying Performance.

/ EoF Press Release

APRIL abaikan komitmen Presiden Jokowi terhadap perlindungan gambut dan penanggulangan kebakaran hutan

Pemerintahan Joko Widodo telah berkomitmen untuk mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca, salah satunya melalui perlindungan lahan gambut sebagai upaya mencegah kebakaran hutan secara masif berulang. Namun, tampaknya hal ini tidak diindahkan oleh Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) melalui PT Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper (RAPP).

/ EoF Press Release

Pabrik baru Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) mengancam komitmen Indonesia dalam perubahan iklim

Pabrik senilai $3 milyar milik Asia Pulp & Paper dibayangi emisi karbon dan ancaman kebakaran. Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil (CSO) mendesak APP berhenti mengeringkan lahan gambut untuk produksi tanaman serat kayu dan merestorasi area yang terdegradasi.

/ EoF Press Release

Maraknya kebun sawit ilegal jadi pintu masuk pemberantasan korupsi yang tuntas di Riau

Koalisi Eyes on the Forest menerbitkan laporan analisis dan investigatif terhadap 26 lokasi kebun sawit di Provinsi Riau yang merupakan bagian kecil dari 1,6 juta hektar kawasan hutan yang diubah menjadi kawasan bukan hutan berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Kehutanan

/ EoF Press Release

Kepala BRG harus mendesak perusahaan melakukan restorasi di area 36 korporasi terbakar

Jikalahari melaporkan kebakaran hutan dan lahan di dalam areal dan konsesi 49 korporasi industri HTI dan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Riau sepanjang 2014-2016 kepada Nazier Foead, Kepala Badan Restorasi Gambut (BRG) di kantor BRG Jakarta.

/ EoF Press Release

“Zero deforestation” champion creates new risks for Indonesia’s forests and carbon-rich peatlands with mega-scale pulp mill

A new study by twelve international and Indonesian NGOs shows that in spite of its high-profile commitment to “zero deforestation”, Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) is building one of the world’s largest pulp mills in the Indonesian province of South Sumatra without a sustainable wood supply.

/ EoF Press Release

EoF: global supply chains still tainted with illegal palm oil

An Eyes on the Forest report published today demonstrates how crude palm oil tainted by illegally grown palm fruit from government-protected areas in some of the last remaining habitats of critically endangered Sumatran tigers, elephants, and orangutans.

/ EoF News

APRIL, APP told to phase out drained plantations in rich-peat Kampar Peninsula

A new report by Deltares commissioned by Wetlands International conclude that plantations in Kampar Peninsula, Riau province, are not sustainable and economically unviable due to subsidence, drainage and flood problems.

/ EoF News

A hope for peatland protection, no more business as usual on peat

Eyes on the Forest commended the Ministry of Environment and Forestry for issuing a letter and instructions regarding peat management for the prevention and control of fire.

/ EoF Press Release

EoF: Sinar Mas/APP’s denial misleading, they source of haze since ten years ago

Sinar Mas Group (SMG) and Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) last week denied publicly that their companies are involved in ongoing forest and land fires. Eyes on the Forest coalition said that media stunt by the giant company is ridiculous and hard to trust.

/ EoF News

APP again blames others for fires, NGOs refute

Eyes on the Forest found two Landsat images showing fires in and around concessions of four Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) suppliers in peat areas in Jambi and South Sumatra provinces and heavy smokes from them.

/ EoF News

NGOs question APRIL’s policy implementation as APRIL’s breach of deforestation moratorium proven

APRIL published an audit report by its consultant Hatfield which confirmed an Eyes on the Forest report that APRIL’s wood supplier, PT. Adindo Hutani Lestari (AHL) in North Kalimantan, had breached APRIL’s forest and peatland clearance moratorium starting 15 May 2015.

/ EoF News

NGOs unimpressed with published APRIL moratorium baseline

Eyes on the Forest says APRIL unable to provide evidence that PT Adindo Hutani Lestari (AHL) in North Kalimantan, an APRIL timber supplier, did not clear natural forest after 15 May, the day when APRIL pledged to halt its forest clearing in its modified Sustainable Forest Management Policy. EoF had reported this moratorium violation on 22 June.

/ EoF Press Release

Not only on paper, sustainable commitment needs evidence on the ground

Commitment on Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP) 2.0 that recently launched by Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) on 3 June 2015 is not a blank cheque nor a public relation stunt as usual to business world and public in whole.

/ EoF News

APRIL found clearing natural forest in green belt, supplying natural woods to pulp mill

PT Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper (RAPP), major concession of Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL), was found clearing natural forest in its concession of district/sector Ukui, Tesso Nilo landscape, Riau province.

/ EoF News

APRIL still clears forest in Pulau Padang’s concession

Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) likely broke its promise not to clear natural forest despite it has pledged not to do so in its sustainable forest management policy, a satellite images analysis detected.

/ EoF Press Release

More to conservation than APP's clearing halt

Two years after Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) announced a new “forest conservation” policy, APP’s pledge to halt forest clearing has held, but its forests are still disappearing.

/ EoF News

NGOs call on 26 banks to divest from APRIL

Two environmental groups sent letters to 26 banks in several countries as attempt “to express their concerns regarding the pulp and paper companies Asia Pacific Resources Limited (APRIL), Toba Pulp Lestari (TPL) and their sister companies under the conglomerate Royal Golden Eagle Group (RGE), due to their involvement in large scale deforestation and social conflicts.

/ EoF News

EoF files grievance report with APRIL’s Stakeholder Advisory Committee on violations of company policy

Today, 10 months after APRIL published its Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP) and established a “Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC)” to “ensure transparency and implementation of this SFMP”, EoF submitted its grievance report on APRIL’s flawed SFMP implementation in Pulau Padang to the SAC.

/ EoF News

APRIL accused of violating social-conflict mediation’s agreement

Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) allegedly violated its self-declared Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP) commitment as it continued natural forest clearance in Bagan Melibur village of Padang Island, Riau province, an environmental group said.

/ EoF News

Jikalahari reveals “new alleged violation” by APP's supplier

A local environmental organization accused Asia Pulp & Paper (APP/Sinar Mas) breached its Forest Conservation Policy and forestry law following a new finding on its pulpwood supplier’s concession that found operating excavator draining peat canal and construct road.

/ EoF News

EoF: National and global Palm Oil streams likely contaminated with illegal Palm Oil from protected Sumatra tiger corridor

EoF warns today that purchasing screens need to be installed urgently at all transfer points in the chain-of-custody from the production of oil palm fruit (fresh fruit bunches/FFB) to the final product. Illegally produced FFB appears to enter national and global supply chains much too easily.

/ EoF Press Release

Doubts on APRIL’s sustainability commitment escalate as high conservation value forest cleared

Eyes on the Forest coalition publishes latest investigative report as a consistency in monitoring deforestation in Sumatra, Riau in particular, as this edition highlights natural forest clearing in high conservation value forest (HCVF) by PT Triomas Forestry Development Indonesia, a supplier to Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL).

/ EoF News

An independent review on SVLK system launched by NGOs coalition

NGO coalition launched an independent study on the Indonesian Timber Legality Assurance System (SVLK) to scrutinize whether it and the actual Timber Legality (LK), Sustainable Production Forest Management (PHPL) and V-Legal certificates can guarantee the legality and sustainability of Indonesian timber products.

/ EoF Press Release

1st year anniversary of APP’s FCP: Celebration without conservation triumph

Today marks the 1st year anniversary of the Forest Conservation Policy published by the Sinar Mas Group’s Asia Pulp & Paper (SMG/APP), yet benefit of these commitments’ remain a big question. Our hope is getting weaker but not stronger.

/ EoF Press Release

APRIL’s trick to steal natural forest in A HCV Forest until 2019 through Sustainable Forest Management Policy

Jikalahari and Walhi (Friends of the Earth) Riau suspect the launch of Sustainable Forest Management Policy by APRIL today (Tuesday, 28 January 2014) in Jakarta, as a trick to destroy the remaining natural forest embedded with their illegal and problematic permits in Riau province.

/ EoF Press Release

Pulp industry undermines Indonesian President's commitment

The two companies together pulped five percent of the remaining natural forest in Sumatra’s Riau Province, twice the size of Indonesia’s capital Jakarta, an analysis of 2009’s annual cutting licenses (RKT) shows that these licenses were issued for the extraction of high timber volumes per hectare.

Reports (15)

/ EoF Investigative Report / WWF

Investigative Report: No one is safe (April 2016)

Eyes on the Forest published today a report demonstrating how crude palm oil tainted by illegally grown palm fruit from government-protected areas in...

/ EoF Investigative Report / WWF

Laporan Investigatif: Tak ada yang aman (April 2016)

Laporan EoF yang diterbitkan hari ini menunjukkan bagaimana minyak sawit mentah (CPO) ditanam secara ilegal di kawasan lindung milik Negara seperti...

/ EoF Investigative Report / WWF

Investigative Report: APRIL / RGE Continues Deforestation (20 November 2014)

EoF concludes that all natural forest clearance by PT. RAPP in the fully peat covered Pulau Padang before and after 28 January 2014...