EOF Report - Tidak Ada yang Aman (Bahasa)
Eyes on the Forest releases hard-hitting maps showing the global supply chain of palm oil is tainted by illegal products harvested in protected areas home to Sumatran elephants, tigers and orangutans.
The maps that can be seen here that published as WWF-Indonesia and Eyes on the Forest have investigated "wild cutters" in 2014-2015 by following the chain of custody routes of illegal FFB from areas where oil palm plantation development is considered illegal by law.
Eyes on the Forest mapped 196 Crude Palm Oil (CPO) mills in Central Sumatra, mostly in Riau Province, epicenter of palm oil production in the world. Many are connected to some of the largest palm oil producers in the world. Much of the CPO produced by the mills is trucked to refineries which deliver their products to Indonesia's domestic market and around the world.