Fire hotspots detected mostly in moratorium area in West Kalimantan

EoF News / 28 July 2018

Fire hotspot number in Indonesia drastically increase this month as long drought and hot temperature could drive the trend. Approximately 529 hotspots were detected in West Kalimantan province during the 7-23 July 2018 period, as analyzed by Eyes on the Forest - West Kalimantan network based on monitoring from the Terra-Aqua Modis satellite with confidence 30% up.

The most fire hotspots are found in PIPPIB 13 area (new license moratorium indicative map area) with 156. Followed by 109 hotspots in the IUPHHK (Forest Plantation Wood Production Permit) area, then 105 hotspots in the Plantation Business Permit area. Meanwhile,  71 hotspots detected in the priority area of Peat Restoration, and 88 hotspots in the PIAPS (Indicative and Social Forestry Map) area.

Sulhani, Director of Titian said that the above analysis was evidence that forest and land fires prevention efforts in Indonesia, especially in Kalimantan, have been done ineffectively.

Reporting from Harian Merdeka, July 23, 2018, West Kalimantan disaster mitigation agency (BPBD) charted 2,130 villages in West Kalimantan, of which 182 villages had the potential to hit by burnings.

Sulhani, the coordinator EoF West Kalimantan network, urged the government to immediately invent land-processing technology without burning.

"In the corporate context, the government should force the management unit to have a fire extinguisher unit equipped with adequate tools and skilled manpower. Then, law enforcement against the companies allegedly involved in burnings must be stern, "he added.